All – Davan Yahya Khalil Journalist and an author Sat, 26 Dec 2020 18:55:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kurdistan: The Road to Independence Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:41:26 +0000 Kurdistan has a long and turbulent history. Today, it faces a future branching in directions that could lead it towards success or disaster, freedom or renewed oppression. It could lead the region to the point where it might finally be able to provide an independent homeland for the Kurds, forming a nation state in its own right rather than the autonomous region of Iraq that it currently is.

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The Idea of Kurdistan: The Modern History of Kurdistan through the Life of Mullah Mustafa Barzani Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:39:44 +0000 Mullah Mustafa Barzani, inspirational Kurdish leader, hero, legend. This excellent biography leaves no stone unturned. Its thorough analysis makes this a must-read for any student of modern history and politics in the Middle East. Davan Yahya Khalil looks at the incredible impact one man had on an entire region. The legacy Barzani leaves is comparable to that of the Gandhis in India. So why do so few know his name internationally? For the simple reason that Kurdistan is still not established as an independent nation. But the winds of change are blowing. Will Barzani’s dream become reality?

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Kurdistan: Genocide and Rebirth: The destruction of Kurdistan and its rebuilding Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:35:40 +0000 One man’s true story of horror and hope in Kurdistan. In the 1980s, Saddam Hussein’s regime tortured, maimed and murdered thousands of innocent people. Davan Yahya Khalil saw first-hand the horrific crimes inflicted on men, women and children under Saddam, and witnessed his Iraqi Kurdistan homeland torn apart. Forced to flee from the Iraqi army and start a new life in the UK, the author now shares his story for the first time. Offering a unique insight into the life of the Kurds under Saddam Hussein, this story is both horrific and compelling. But the author speaks of much more than just horror. He also tells a story of hope – hope for the people of modern Kurdistan, who are seeing their region rise from the ashes. Award-Winning Finalist in the “History: General” category of the 2015 International Book Awards

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